The long-awaited Angels & Airwaves album “Lifeforms” is equally ambitious and engaging.
Read moreLITERATURE: 'The Alchemist' and 'Etidorhpa' tell similar, strange tales
"Paulo Coelho’s classic the “The Alchemist,” is one the most revered books of this century, but has some interesting parallels to an obscure, stranger book “Etidorhpa or the End of Earth: The Strange History of a Mysterious Being.”
Read moreMUSIC: Review roundup Turnstile, Sincere Engineer, Urethane
Late August and early September reviews/previews of new records from Turnstile, Urethane, and Sincere Engineer.
Read moreUnexplained undertones in Zack Snyder's Justice League,' 'Godzilla vs. Kong'
Two of HBO Max’s latest blockbusters ,“Zack Snyder’s Justice League” ( aka the “Snyder Cut”), and “Godzilla vs Kong,” both are full of Easter eggs and plot points that are pulled from the world of the paranormal.
Warning: Mild spoilers below.
Read moreSome thoughts on the mind-blowing season 2 of 'Hellier'
Season 2 of “Hellier” boldly ties all aspects on unexplained phenomena in a mind-blowing fashion that will make you question your core beliefs, and the world we live in. What Greg and Dana Newkirk, director Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall, and Tyler Strand have presented here is a courageous journey that goes beyond just the case of “Goblins” in Kentucky
Read moreREVIEW: 'Sekret Machines: Man' a fascinating follow-up
“Sekret Machines: Man” by Peter Levenda and Tom DeLonge is a good representation of what To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science is looking to ultimately achieve, which is to inspire a new generation to reevaluate and re-imagine science, society and humanity.
Read moreREVIEW: 'Extraordinary: The Seeding' an intriguing experiencer account
Jon Sumple’s “Extraordinary: The Seeding” provides a detailed documentary that vividly describes the emotional trauma and long-term effects of abduction experincers.
Read moreCOMMENTARY: Entitlement and the UFO community
“Annoying entitled” were the words tech genius Deep Prasad tweeted in response to the current in-fighting within those actively engaged in the UFO phenomena.
Read moreCOMMENTARY: Why 'Storm Area 51' is burying real UFO stories
What started as a satirical Facebook post about a public protest/ raid on the bass off of Groom Lake in Nevada on Sept.20 has morphed into a “buzzworthy”/ meme-producing story since over 1.5 million pledged to attend.
Read moreREVIEW: 'Unidentified' a fine first step in mainstreaming UFOs
The To The Stars team has been clandestinely filming and planning big investigations ever since Tom DeLonge took a video camera with him to the White House years ago before To The Stars Academy of arts and Science was even a thing.
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