The cover is enough to freak you out. (Handout)
"Behold A Pale Horse" is the controversial conspiracy theory manifesto by author and ex-Navy officer William Cooper who died in 2001 after a shootout with the FBI.
The book is a mind-bending outline of conspiracy theories that connects how the world works from beginning of class warfare and social structures that remain in society. There's a few things Cooper does really well here, and there are other parts of the book that are far-fetched and have been proven false.
Cooper draws complex connections between social elites and historical hierarchies tying together the most thorough illuminati agenda written. We also know Cooper was a low-ranking official of the U.S. military and was apparently privy to some classified information regarding the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the UFO phenomenon.
Cooper somehow ties together that aliens have been influencing humans from the beginning of time; brainwashing them with religion and working with the New World Order for world domination. This sums up the book as a whole; somewhat kooky and somewhat fascinating. A lot of Cooper's theories about UFOs have been discredited, and many UFOlogists claim they were based on pranks and plagiarized. One of Cooper's boldest claims is that landmark UFO author Whitley Strieber ("Communion") and famed investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe were really CIA and part of a mass disinformation campaign.
A strict Constitutionalist, Cooper felt there were world powers working in conjuction against the American people. A haunting aspect of the book is when Cooper repeatedly warns that staying home with family on a holiday is dangerous if you are a target of the elite, because that is when you are most vulnerable. A negative to Cooper's legacy was helping give birth to the Alex Jones and the militia types of the world and all the other crackpot, fact-less voices out there.
The scary thing about "Behold A Pale Horse" if what is just a fraction of what is in the book is true? From the very start of the book, Cooper plants the seeds of doubt deep in the reader's mind to forget about what we've previously come to accept as truth/ reality and open up to the possibilities of a world government that has been controlling and conspiring from the beginning. While reading this, it is easy to not put the book down, but for your own sanity, don't get too caught up in it.
"Behold A Pale Horse" should be taken at face value only; interesting conspiracy theories and a whole lot of "what if" scenarios.