Does coordinates in 'Sekret Machines' reference hidden Area-51 treasure?

(Photo by Ryan Doyle)

(Photo by Ryan Doyle)

A member of the To The Stars… fan Facebook page recently found an interesting discovery in the first fictionalized novel “Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows.” Facebook user Ryan Doyle entered the GPS coordinates the book lists that references a tablet hidden in an underground shaft. Doyle entered the GPS coordinates of 37.276389 -115 755278 that came out as Lincoln County, Nevada.

Some facts about Lincoln County that are interesting; the area isn’t too far from past Nuclear test sites for starters. The small town is 837 miles from Roswell, N.M., 74 miles from Groom Lake, and 87 miles from Rachel, Nev., the neighboring towns of where “storm Area-51” raid occurred.

The To The Stars produced “Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows” was the first book of the fictionalized series by A.J. Hartley and Tom DeLonge to serve as companion pieces for the non-fiction, academic text “Sekret Machines” series DeLonge co-writes with Peter Levenda. There are parts of the fiction “Sekret Machines” series plucked from eye witness accounts, cases and “true stories,” and DeLonge has hinted multiple times in interviews and tweets to “read in between the lines.”

“I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I do investigate conspiracies from the perspective of coincidence and synchronicity with the theory that coincidence and synchronicity are the trace evidence of some other force at work in the world,” Levenda said in a previous interview on this site.

Now these coordinates could be just a mere Easter egg and tease to tie the book in with historical events, or it could be a coy soft disclosure of the location of alleged artifacts, and acknowledgment of Area-51. The “Sekret Machines” fiction books are littered with allusions to UFO phenomena, remote viewing, secret CIA experiments, heightened consciousness/ abilities, and even the “fairy” paranormal elements, so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to look into what these books reference.


(Photo by Ryan Doyle)

(Photo by Ryan Doyle)