The University of Toronto once asked the question if tech prodigy Deep Prasad (then an undergrad) could “be the next Einstein.”
At age 23, Prasad is the CEO of ReactiveQ, which aims to create the world’s first quantum computer, as well as work on producing superconductors and meta materials. The young star of innovation is also an avid UFO advocate; he’s one of us. Part of ReactiveQ’s mission statement states they are “actively engaged with engineers from TESLA, Lockheed Martin, Volkswagen and NASA in order to validate solution.”
Prasad is one the great young minds in his field, and also offers a professional perspective in the UFO field, but he wasn’t always a believer.
Deep Prasad aims high in taking his company ReactiveQ to the next level. (Deep Prasad)
“I got interested in UFOs after my teacher suggested doing a project on crop circles,” Prasad said. “ I was 11, and read every book on the topic I could get my hands on. I knew who Bob Lazar was. I knew the best crop circle hoaxes performed, and which ones remained unexplained etc. By the time I was 13, I flipped to being a skeptic and remained one until I was about 21. This time what got me interested was that there were actual ex-Pentagon officials claiming they were real, and after the AATIP articles were released I got back into it. The idea of extraterrestrial peoples advanced enough to get here is the most intriguing concept I can imagine as someone who wants to build the most sci-fi possible world one can. I like the idea of learning how UFOs work, replicating it ourselves and then improving the design in ways that even the aliens would appreciate (laughs(. I started looking into things deeply about 8 months ago if anything. I was about to give up on the field again due to lack of evidence, but then certain events happened and I am now in a position where at least personally, I cannot deny that this is real, and I'm fascinated by the mystery behind who's behind these things, the history of Humanity and where we're going with all of this.”
Being a head of a company complete with executives, shareholders, and funding from the likes of Bloomberg’s Venture Capital arm, Prasad is unafraid to speak his views on a once taboo topic.
“I believe most of them are (OK with his beliefs), and I've never gotten ‘flack’ for my beliefs, not once, which is encouraging for someone whose career relies on having a reputation of scientific and intellectual competence alone in order to succeed with the many stakeholders involved,” Prasad said. “ My core team is super relaxed, and open about the concept and have changed their minds a lot since I started talking about it, but they remain healthily skeptic until they are provided the hard material science data and other physical evidence the community requires to ‘believe.’”
ReactiveQ is currently working with engineers from Lockheed Martin, TESLA and NASA. These specific companies could offer a lot in terms of ideas of reverse engineering or better understanding new technology, which begs the question was this a mutually beneficial undertaking that possibly can tie in with advanced "foreign" technology?
“I can't comment on the advanced ‘foreign’ technology aspect, but what I can say is that everything my company does in the eyes of the public in the near future will be 100 percent strictly related to terrestrial non-’foreign’ projects,” Prasad said. “ The specific reason was that my goal before I really got obsessed with this UFO subject was to accelerate humanity's technological development by a factor of hundreds of billions of human hours. That is, I want to provide simulation capabilities so good that one can eventually algorithmically discover new engineering breakthroughs within minutes without physically having to go through the years long trial and error process of building out different engineering prototypes. Now that I know what's possible, I can actually use Humanity's ability (how far along they are in their ability to replicate ‘foreign technology’) as a measure for how successful or useful our company is at any given time.”
One of the targets of ReactiveQ is the creation and exploration of meta-materials that Prasad states will require breakthroughs in quantum physics, material science, quantum computing, advanced manufacturing technology and capital intensive resources. If humans tried to re-create a craft like the Tic-Tac UFO scene at Nimitz it would take collaboration from industry leaders . The ideas of consciousness, and meta-materials are more accepted in UFO studies, but these ideas still present these a challenge to the scientific community.
“I think we have to first define the term consciousness more rigorously,” said Prasad. ”The good news here is that should we encounter an advanced non-terrestrial species they would according to us humans, and our simple ways of classifying intelligent life fall into 2 categories in our eyes; biological or non-biological. Now, when or if society accepts that these entities may actually contact humans from time-to-time then the next obvious question is going to be how they get into our heads? The technology they're using to communicate with citizens of Earth seems to have no bearing or care for whether the person is awake or not. This should throw our entire understanding of reality into question for anyone paying attention as what you dream about should only be accessible to you. Hopefully thoughts like this will get the community thinking about the importance of consciousness in their own ways.”
D.W. Pasulka’s “American Cosmic” was a huge literary hit in the UFO community last year. In "American Cosmic" it features a mysterious young tech giant actively interested in pursing the topic. The book suggests that there are “the others,” which are highly connected people behind the scenes pushing for “disclosure” and bringing advancements to humanity. Where does Prasad fit in all this since he checks both boxes in terms of UFO interest, and an emerging tech giant?
“I would love to see how right this ends up being, but I believe there's a secret band of technologists who are working towards the same goal; interplanetary integration with the rest of the intelligent lifeforms out there,” said Prasad. “ I see myself as ideally being at the center of technological breakthroughs brought to humanity through terrestrial, and extraterrestrial endeavors. I want my technology to enable the companies that are building replicators, interstellar craft and immortality tech.”