Rice University’s Archives of the Impossible conference returns April 3-5 and includes former Navy admiral/ UAP witness Timothy Gallaudet, immunologist / professor Gary Nolan, professor of religious studies at UNC-Wilmington Diana Pasulka, and others.
This year’s conference is titled “The UFOs and the Impossible” and is geared towards an academic audience, as the majority of the guest speakers and panelists are professors from universities like the University of Texas , University of Chicago, and Stanford.
The conference is one part of Rice’s professor Jeffrey Kripal’s vision that also includes the actual archives, which hold a massive collection of data, historic materials that range from UFO photos to official highly-classified remote viewing CIA documents. The Woodson Research Center at Rice continues to professionally archive material, and have estimated over 100,000 times are currently ready for viewing.
“I hope it is very important to other universities other than Rice because it was so successful and rational,” Strieber said of the conference in 2022 to punkrockandufos.” (It’s) a process of application of careful thinking and evolved ideas to the impossible, and that can be done more and more at more universities because there are many people capable of addressing this at a much higher level of discourse.”
In 2022, the guest speakers and seminars included the legendary Vallee, Strieber (“Communion”), journalist and author Leslie Kean, Pasulka (“American Cosmic”) and others from the world of academia. Click here for 2022 punkrockandufos.com interviews with Vallee and Strieber.
If you are a fan of Luis Elizondo and UAPs, Mike Damante’s previous book “Above the Fold and the Fringe:How UAPs Became Mainstream News ” features exclusive interviews with Elizondo, Tom DeLonge, Ralph Blumenthal, and others. Order here.
If you are a fan of UAP studies, Mike Damante’s book “Punk rock and UFOs: Stranger Than Fiction” features exclusive interviews with Travis Taylor, Leslie Kean, Tom DeLonge, Peter Levenda, Kevin Day, Sean Cahill, Diana Pasulka, Jeffrey Kripal, and the producers of “Unidentified.” Order now.