INTERVIEW: Laura Jane Grace details 'out of the ordinary Mothman' sighting

During her years of dominating the punk scene with her band Against Me, and her critically acclaimed solo work garnering mainstream and indie appraise, Laura Jane Grace spent a lot of time listening to podcasts on the paranormal. Now, she has her own experience to share.

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INTERVIEW: Nothing is too weird for Allison Jornlin

Whether it's a cryptid like the the Orang Pendek, the mythical Mothman or searching for haunts in the Midwest, no paranormal case is out of the ordinary for Allison Jornlin. Jornlin, an award-winning 20-year veteran of paranormal research, will be curating this year's Hawaii ParaCon, and also recently got back from a Chicago Mothman expedition. Jornlin is also a fellow plant-powered paranormal investigator along with this author and Jason McClellan.  Below,Jornlin talks about the backlash for her Mothman findings, what 2018 holds, and her interest in the field.

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