New hypothesis possibly links Tic-Tac UFOs to marine life

Former NASA research scientist and current associate professor of physics at the University of Albany Kevin H. Knuth has drafted an interesting hypothesis that ties the Nimitz UAP incident to the marine life in the area. The nine-page study even goes to state that the UAPs could be monitoring the migration of whales, and even mentions a recent UAP sighting off the coast of Oregon similar to the Tic-Tac.

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INTERVIEW: Nimitz's Sean Cahill on 'Unidentified' experience , struggles of UFO crowd

Sean Cahill is the charismatic key witness of the famed Nimitz encounter, as his story and continued exploration played out in History’s hit “Unidentified.” Cahill is currently a retired U.S. Navy Chief-Master-At Arms, and is spending his civilian life as an investigative film maker and meditation facilitator.

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EXCLUSIVE: Avionics Technician corroborates Nimitiz UFO story, more witnesses exist

Patrick Hughes wasn’t a direct witness to the Nimitiz UFO encounter, but as an Avionics Technician during the incident he was able to detail specifics on how it was viewed behind the scenes.

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