“Forbidden Science 6: Scattered Castles” is the latest installment of Jacques Vallee, and features his journey of grief, discovery, and exploration.
Read moreSome key takeaways from latest Congressional UAP hearing 'Exposing The Truth'
On Wednesday Nov. 13, former director Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) Luis Elizondo, NASA associate Michael Gold, retired Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy Timothy Gallaudet, and journalist Michael Shellenberger testified to Congress as part of the House Oversight Committee’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena: Exposing The Truth session.
Read moreEXCLUSIVE: Spicewood UAP flap returns; triangle formation, orbs, oddities
In 2018, punkrockandufos.com exclusively reported two different sightings of orb appearances over Texas Hill Country. Sheena Lee, a resident of Spicewood, which is right over Lake Travis 30 miles outside of Austin, saw what looked like a shooting star or satellite that appeared to be “scouting the area.” Since then, she has seen orbs in the sky every now and then, but the first week of 2021 the UAPs have returned regularly, and have brought some high strangeness along.
Read moreCOMMENTARY: Why is the U.S. Navy looking into UFOs before the Air Force?
The U.S. Navy is now publicly acknowledging the existence of UFOs, and will put into fruition specific guidelines in reporting sightings due to some behind the scenes coercing from Tom DeLonge and Luis Elizondo’s To The Stars Academy Of Arts And Science.
Read moreEXCLUSIVE: Plane caught trailing triangular craft in Houston
Making this drive everyday, Hill usually takes notice of the various planes that fly over the area being so close to the airport, but something was off this time, and there appeared to be a civilian plane trailing a triangle shaped craft.
Read moreEXCLUSIVE: Woman claims memories of UFOs have led to visions of future
Theresa Williams didn’t want to share her story. Like many she faced the fears of ridicule from peers who would scoff at her claims of being able to see visions of the future, as well as her visits from “shadow beings.”
Read moreREVIEW: 'Hellier' documentary a paranormal plunge worth taking
What the film aims to do is see how these research genres and cultures connect, but by the end pokes at a much deeper human understanding about searching for the truth.
Read moreDirector Jeremy Corbell explains access for 'Hunt For The Skinwalker'
"Hunt For The Skinwalker" was a game-changing book by journalist George Knapp and NIDS investigator Colm Kelleher PhD that blew open the paranormal plethora of scientist-baffling anomalies that have haunted a ranch in the Uintah Basin. While some choose to put their research to print, director Jeremy Corbell brings these stories to life via film, and his latest, highly-anticipated documentary "Hunt The Skinwalker"
Read moreEXCLUSIVE: UFOs, other strange occurences continue in Texas Hill Country
Lee witnessed, at one point, five UFOs at once. Lee's son was with her and commented "it feels like they are scouting the area."
Read moreEXCLUSIVE: Texas Hill Country UFO sighting
On Wednesday in Spicewood, which is about 30 miles from Austin, Texas, Sheena Lee saw what looked like a star, but it moved in a way that baffled the Texas Hill Country resident.
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