Tom DeLonge tells to keep up the good work. (Mike Damante)
Angels & Airwaves Sunday winter tour finale in Houston was just one of many productions To The Stars were part of in 2019. Tom DeLonge’s long-awaited return to touring was part of the entertainment division plan of To The Stars Academy Of Arts and Science, which also had Angels & Airwaves release two new singles and sign to record label Rise Records.
Sunday night’s show marked the first time the band played Houston in nine years (the tour was Angels & Airwaves first in seven years), and the AVA energy was evident all night with “Valkyrie Missile,” “Anxiety” “The Adventure,” Heaven,” and newer track “Rebel Girl”being highlights. DeLonge’s acoustic medley, which included “Aliens Exist” from his pop-punk days in blink-182, also stood out.
Overall, 2019 TTS was able to accomplish a few things to move the needle, but for some in the UFO field it is never enough. The History Channel series “Unidentified,” which focused on a deeper dive of the Nimitiz/Tic-Tac incident and beyond, was a hit and season two is currently shooting. On Sept. 20, major news outlets picked up on the story that the U.S. Navy agreed that the Pentagon UFO videos were indeed UAP.
Tom DeLonge plays “Valkyrie Missile” in Houston. (Mike Damante)
TTSA announced V.A.U.L.T(Virtual Analytic UAP Learning Tool), which will be an app that will work as “as the world’s most comprehensive intelligence tool for collecting, analyzing, reporting and establishing data authenticity for unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and other subject matter. “ They also announced a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Army to “advance TTSA’s materiel and technology innovations in order to develop enhanced capabilities for Army ground vehicles,” according to a news release. The U.S. Army labs may also be used to test the meta-materials that TTS holds, which the results have yet to be announced. This wasn’t the only partnership signed in 2019, as a cooperative marketing agreement with TruClear Global (TCG) to cooperate on joint development projects / provide advanced technology solutions government clientele occurred.
DeLonge will now go direct TTS first fictionalized movie “Monsters Of California.”Production and specific details have been scarce, but it looks like a release date of Christmas season 2020 is what is being eyed for a full-theatrical release according to producer The Cartel’s co-CEO /co-founder ,producer and manager Stan Spry. This is expected to start in the spring. The TBS series “Strange Times” is also in the cards. As far as the science portion of TTSA, here’s hoping more developments come from that wing.