Angels & Airwaves Sunday winter tour finale in Houston was just one of many productions To The Stars were part of in 2019. Tom DeLonge’s long-awaited return to touring was part of the entertainment division plan of To The Stars Academy Of Arts and Science, which also had Angels & Airwaves release two new singles and sign to record label Rise Records.
Read moreREVIEW: 'Witness To Another World' a beautiful presentation
“Witness To Another World” is a great introductory documentary into the phenomena that also serves as a reminder that it is a cross-cultural/ international phenomena as well.
Read moreREVIEW: 'A New World' a new achievement for Whitley Strieber
“A New World” is an awakening for those in the UFO community to continue to refuse to look at the universe from a different view.
Read moreSome thoughts on the mind-blowing season 2 of 'Hellier'
Season 2 of “Hellier” boldly ties all aspects on unexplained phenomena in a mind-blowing fashion that will make you question your core beliefs, and the world we live in. What Greg and Dana Newkirk, director Karl Pfeiffer, Connor Randall, and Tyler Strand have presented here is a courageous journey that goes beyond just the case of “Goblins” in Kentucky
Read moreREVIEW: 'Sekret Machines: Man' a fascinating follow-up
“Sekret Machines: Man” by Peter Levenda and Tom DeLonge is a good representation of what To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science is looking to ultimately achieve, which is to inspire a new generation to reevaluate and re-imagine science, society and humanity.
Read moreREVIEW: Bob Lazar's 'Dreamland' a must-read for skeptics, believers
In Lazar’s autobiography “Dreamland” Lazar makes a strong case for the “true” side of the argument with his story told in his own words through his personal narrative, anecdotes and writing well-versed in the scientific subject matter he has been involved in.
Read moreREVIEW: 'Extraordinary: The Seeding' an intriguing experiencer account
Jon Sumple’s “Extraordinary: The Seeding” provides a detailed documentary that vividly describes the emotional trauma and long-term effects of abduction experincers.
Read moreREVIEW: Angels & Airwaves,To The Stars rise up in Austin
As To The Stars Academy of Arts and Science continues to make gradual progress, this allowed Tom DeLonge to return to the stage with Angels & Airwaves for the first tour in seven years, which hit Emos in Austin, Texas on Friday night.
Read moreREVIEW: Small Town Monsters takes flight with 'Terror In The Skies'
As TV producers continue to rehash the same, tired cryptozoology-centric shows, Seth Breedlove and his Small Town Monsters crew continue to produce imagination-capturing documentaries with cinematography skills on par with the big budgets of Hollywood.
Read moreREVIEW: 'Unidentified' a fine first step in mainstreaming UFOs
The To The Stars team has been clandestinely filming and planning big investigations ever since Tom DeLonge took a video camera with him to the White House years ago before To The Stars Academy of arts and Science was even a thing.
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